Sustainability Consultancy – Meet the Team

Sustainability Consultancy – Meet the Team

We are very pleased to introduce you to the Hannan Sustainability team.

As Building Services Engineering Consultants sustainability has always featured at the heart of our design process.

Hannan provides a wide range of sustainability consulting services to support our clients to shape and define strategies to achieve site specific and corporate Sustainability targets including:

  • Net Zero Carbon
  • NABERS UK & Energy Performance Modelling
  • Building Certification
  • LCA and LCC Studies.
Name: Tim Bell
Role: Head of Sustainability
How did you end up working in sustainability?

A long time ago, I worked with my Dad in California, where we designed and built bespoke homes. It really piqued my interest in construction. From there I took an MSc In Construction Management and Economics at UCL, where sustainability was touched on, before moving into consultancy working on Life cycle costing projects. It just happened one day that I supported a project team on a BREEAM project and found the various subject areas to be very interesting. From there I haven’t really looked back, and my focus was fixed firmly on sustainability.

What do you enjoy the most about your job and what do you find the most challenging? 

The variety of project types makes the job interesting and certainly as more of our clients are looking at Net Zero and decarbonisation there is a wider variety of sustainability topics to focus on rather than purely certification. This allows us to add value. Managing several projects can be challenging whilst ensuring that what Hannan provides to our clients is of the very highest quality.

How has the industry changed since you first started your career?

Well it’s changed dramatically. I remember sitting in meetings 20 years ago and being asked ‘Sustaina…what?’ Now obviously, climate change, decarbonisation and net zero are everyday terms and key drivers for the built environment. Importantly all these issues are being discussed, taught in schools, highlighted in the media and the younger generation, on the whole, are much more aware of the situation we find ourselves in and keen to make a difference. The built environment is now defined by sustainability and developers and investors are motivated to deliver and invest in ‘green’ assets as tenants become more particular about the buildings they want to work in.

What changes do you foresee for the next 20 years?

Embracing innovation, sustainable supply chains and procurement, the continued rise of the circular economy and more focus on the economic and social impacts of sustainability such as community engagement. As the climate crisis becomes increasingly complex, customers will also be more cautious about their own carbon footprint and will question if a product is sustainably sourced or produced.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I try to live a relatively active lifestyle and have recently taken up Padel and play as often as my knees allow. I’ve basically got all the gear and no idea! Just being with my wife Sarah and daughter Esme. Long walks in Formby Pinewoods and on the beach with Indy our dog. And got to put it out there, I’m a lifelong LFC supporter so try to get to Anfield when I can and having grown up in California, I also have a great passion for baseball and American Football. 

Name: Charlotte Becker
Role: Graduate Sustainability Engineer
Which training route did you take?

I completed a BSc (hons) in Environmental Science and an MSc in Environmental Sustainability and Green Technology both at Keele University, before spending a year gaining industry experience working in environmental consultancy.

What do you enjoy about your job?

I enjoy the fact that I am able to apply my passion for the environment to projects that can produce real-world positive impacts such as preventing greenhouse gas emissions or making improvements to the local environment which can be very rewarding. I also enjoy the wide variety of tasks and projects I get to work on in the role of Graduate Sustainability Engineer, as well as being able to play a part in the transition towards sustainable development that encompasses all aspects of sustainability from material efficiency to ecological enhancement. 

What do you enjoy about working at Hannan Associates?

I enjoy the friendly and supportive atmosphere at Hannan Associates and being able to work with, and learn from, a range of different people who are very knowledgeable in their respective disciplines. I also enjoy the variety of training opportunities I have been given since working at Hannan Associates which have enabled me to develop my skills and understanding and have put me on a path to becoming a recognised sustainability professional.

What do you enjoying doing in your spare time?

I like to spend much of my spare time with my family and friends as well as staying active by going running and doing gym classes.

Name: Matt Dalley
Role: Senior Energy & Sustainability Consultant
How did you end up working in sustainability?

The Kyoto Protocol was signed in December 1997. In 1998, at the age of 16, I applied to study A-Levels in Environmental Science, Geography and Geology.  This led me to study for a degree in Environmental Protection and then read for an MSc in Sustainable Development.

What do you enjoy the most about your job and what do you find the most challenging? 

I enjoy seeing the evolution of sustainable building design and the finished building.
The challenge is changing the existing mindset of designers and contractors towards sustainability.

How has the industry changed since you first started your career?

Sustainability has gone from being a fringe concept to a core requirement. Clients and tenants now understand the climate issues and expect a high level of sustainability in their buildings.

What changes do you foresee for the next 20 years?

The move to zero carbon and the use of operational energy models / in-use energy data will become a driving factor in building design.

Any advice for people looking at starting a career in building services engineering?

A career in sustainability can be rewarding, but there are still many challenges. As with many things, the barrier of cost requires a compromise between sustainability and affordability.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Hiking/camping /DIY.

Hannan Sustainability Services


  • Sustainability Strategy (Building and/or portfolio level)
  • Net Zero Carbon Pathways
  • Bespoke Sustainability Framework & KPI development
  • Planning – Energy & Sustainability Reports
  • ESG and Sustainability Policy development 


Certification & Assessment

  • BREEAM Communities
  • CEEQUAL / BREEAM Infrastructure
  • LEED
  • WELL – Early stage advice
  • GRESB Consultancy
  • EPC


  • Operational Energy Modelling
  • Passive Design Analysis
  • Low Zero Carbon – Renewables Feasibility Studies
  • Embodied Carbon Assessments

Additional Services

  • Indoor Air Quality Plans
  • SBTI Consultancy Services
  • Life Cycle Costing Assessments
Please reach out to our team to discuss how we can support your organisation on your sustainability journey.
Tim Bell

Tim Bell

Head of Sustainability

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200
BREEAM 2018 Version 6.0 Launch Update

BREEAM 2018 Version 6.0 Launch Update

The latest BREEAM scheme Version 6.0 (V6) was launched back in August 2022. This update reflects the amendment to the Energy (Part L) and Ventilation (Part F2) sections of the Building Regulations (2021), which came into effect in June 2022.

In line with the updates to building regulations, the changes to BREEAM V6 includes:

  • For England, updated energy performance scales (translator curves) in Ene 01
  • Updated criteria relating to ventilation and air quality in Hea 02

UK NC 2018 or V6?

Building Regulations

Approved Document Part L2A 2010 Conservation of fuel and power in new buildings other than dwellings, 2013 edition with 2016 amendments – for use in England

Approved Document L, Conservation of fuel and power, Volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings, 2021 edition – for use in England

Scheme Version

BREEAM UK New Construction 2018

BREEAM UK New Construction V6

Early Actions

The V6 New Construction scheme continues to place a focus on completing sustainability actions early in the design process.

Early-stage credits, which are to be completed during the Preparation & Brief (stage 1) and concept design (stage 2), include:

  • MAN 01 – Project brief and design
  • MAN 02 – Life Cycle Cost
  • HEA 02 – Indoor Air Quality Plan
  • HEA 06 – Security Needs Assessment
  • Ene 04 – Low carbon design
  • TRA 01 – Transport Assessment and Travel Plan
  • MAT 01 – Life Cycle Assessment
  • MAT 03 – Sustainable Procurement Plan
  • Mat 06 – Material efficiency
  • WST 05 – Adaptation to Climate Change Appraisal
  • WST 06 – Disassembly and Functional Adaptability Study
  • LE 02-03 – Land Use and Ecology

BRE – Pushing Best Practice Forward

BREEAM seeks to push the best practice of the construction sector forwards; this is increasingly important in the face of the current climate crisis.

One way in which the BRE is looking to continue pushing best practice is through modular updates across multiple BREEAM schemes. These modular updates will be informed by priority areas such as energy and carbon.

In line with above, consultation for Version 7 will be undertaken in May with an estimated launch date of Winter 2023/ Early 2024.

Some of these anticipated benefits BREEAM Version 7 will bring to our customers includes the ability to:

  • Better understand whole life carbon performance.
  • Compare against embodied carbon and operational energy benchmarks.
  • Monitor performance across a buildings lifecycle to understand any performance gap issues.
  • Understand alignment with decarbonisation pathways.
  • Ready themselves for our BREEAM NZC module (scheduled for release after Version 7).

For more details of our BREEAM related services please visit our BREEAM page.

If you would like to talk to us about BREEAM in more detail, please drop us an email. 

Tim Bell

Tim Bell

Head of Sustainability

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200
40 Years of Hannans: Q&A with Carl Pickford and Andy Carrington

40 Years of Hannans: Q&A with Carl Pickford and Andy Carrington

Carl and Andy began their careers in the construction industry in 1998 when they joined Hannan Associates as Apprentice Building Services Engineers. They’re now Associate Engineers and both core members of the Hannan team, contributing to the success of a wide range of projects and the continued growth of the company.

Name: Carl Pickford

Role: Associate & Electrical Design Engineer

Tell us a little bit about how you came to join Hannan Associates and what it was like when you started.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do,  but I knew I was practical minded – I moved out of home at a young age and bought a house to renovate. I tried full time education attending college and it wasn’t for me. An apprenticeship felt like the right fit, I wanted to learn on the job and earn money.

I had to take two buses to get to the office, which took over an hour. The office was full of drawing boards and I sat at a little desk in the corner with Mike Perkins, with no computer!

The only engineer to have a computer back then was Terry Fildes. We had a small CAD department upstairs and the admin team had computers as well. Everyone dressed smartly, a shirt and tie was the norm. I found Bill Hannan to be a real character but it was Dave Teale, the electrical associate, who took me under his wing. He looked after me, keeping me busy and encouraging me to progress, he was a real gentleman and a gentle giant.

How has the business changed since you joined?

I have seen massive changes in my time. Seen lots of faces come and go but there remains a core of people who have been here from the start including Andy C who started the same day I did all those years ago.
Everything moves so much quicker than it used to, letters and faxes exchanged over days and weeks have been replaced with emails requiring immediate responses.
Engineers with calculators, hand written letters, and marking up drawings on drawing boards have been replaced by engineers who can use Microsoft Office, 2D and 3D drawing software.
We all seem to handle more projects and get through them faster than in years gone by.

What do you think has been the key to keeping so many long-term clients happy over the years?

We provide a good level of service and are committed to delivering a good job

We work hard to deliver and not afraid to stay a little longer to get the job done

We continually improve our working methods and processes, always refining what we do

Maybe not as refined as some of the bigger practices but we understand buildings and services

We understand the importance of providing early input into the whole building design as it develops, not just MEP, we know which elements of the design must be considered and factored into the design from the start.

What do you think the next ten years holds for Hannan Associates and the industry?

The industry has gone through some significant changes in recent years.

Climate Change, the COVID 19 Pandemic, Wellness and Wellbeing, and Grenfell Tower Fire disaster have all impacted on the way buildings are designed and used.

We are on a path with NZC, there have been huge improvements in building design to reduce carbon emissions and this is set to continue.

Sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions is the number one consideration on every project.

Building design is constantly changing, building services technologies are improving all the time, it is a great industry to be in.

What are you most proud of in terms of your contribution to the business? 

I pride myself on working hard and being someone that can be relied on.

I contribute to the way we do projects and the development of the processes we use.

I appreciate the start I was given at Hannan 25 years ago and thankful to all those that have helped shaped me.


Name: Andrew Carrington

Role: Associate & Mechanical Design Engineer

Tell us a little bit about how you came to join Hannan Associates and what it was like when you started.

I joined Hannan’s as an apprentice engineer in 1998, aged 18. Leaving school I had no idea what career path I was going to take so went into the local Job Office to see what was available.

After scouring various options I noticed the Building Services apprentice role and i thought every building needs Building Services and there are lots of buildings! I chose the apprenticeship route because it gave me the opportunity to start gaining experience of the working environment whilst continuing to learn, as after leaving sixth form I didn’t want to go straight to university full time. There was a definite benefit in being able to put into practice what I was learning on the job.

When I initially joined Hannans we were in the old office in Compstall with a very different working environment to today. Drawings produced on tracing paper and hand written calculations rather than using any software. Everyone using phones by their desk rather than mobiles and the fax machine utilised for any “urgent” communication.  I joined alongside Carl Pickford, Mike Perkins and Gareth Webb, we were the first apprentices that Hannan’s employed and I like to think we’ve all done well!

How has the business changed since you joined?

Some things about the business haven’t changed much – our focus on building and maintaining client & consultant relationships;  our key sector focus – commercial, industrial, stadia, residential; our focus on low energy design…… have all been consistent themes in our 40 years, but in many other ways the industry has changed a lot and has obviously impacted the way we do business.

The technology we use; the way we communicate; the pace the projects move at; client & market needs and expectations; the world of work …….. there is obviously a much stronger focus now on sustainability on most projects we are working on. As Building Services engineers we are playing an integral role to helping the built environment meet NZC targets and we have subsequently invested heavily in developing our sustainability expertise along with establishing an in house Building Physics team to meet the increase in client needs.

What do you think has been the key to keeping so many long-term clients happy over the years?

Consistency in terms of resourcing – it definitely benefits our clients if the same engineers continue to work with the same clients – we get to know the client, their needs and their individual ways of working. We each take a personal responsibility for the projects we are involved with – we are committed to delivering a successful project.

Strong sector expertise – we tend to each have expertise of certain sectors and by continuing to build upon this expertise from project to project means we have a lot of key, relevant experience and project data to contribute to the design process.

Delivering what you promise and when to the client and other design team members and contributing added value where possible

What do you think the next ten years holds for Hannan Associates and the industry?

We will continue to increase our Sustainability expertise and service offering, to meet client needs.

We will continue to grow our sustainability and building physics teams along with the partnerships we have with external consultants.

The desire for NZC will cause the construction industry to adapt and develop to provide appropriate solutions. Its going to involve all parties – clients, architects, end users etc. Its not down to one party, we all need to do our bit.

What are you most proud of in terms of your contribution to the business? 

Hannans have been very supportive throughout all my training – my HNC and ONC in Building Services, my BEng (Hons) Building Services Engineering degree, CIBSE Low Carbon Consultant & Energy Assessor qualifications leading up to achieving my Incorporated Engineer registration.

I believe my personal transformation from apprentice to associate has helped Hannans progress and develop as a business during my time. I’ve helped develop standards and methods of working to allow us respond to the ever changing needs of our clients.

Carl Pickford

Carl Pickford

Associate Electrical Design Engineer

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200

Andrew Carrington

Andrew Carrington

Associate Mechanical Design Engineer

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200

Merry Christmas from all at Hannan Associates xx

Merry Christmas from all at Hannan Associates xx

The Hannan team would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
It has been a pleasure working with you during the last year, we truly value the relationships and enjoy the challenges each project brings us.

We are as ever very thankful for the high level of repeat business we receive and the many interesting projects we are involved with. Despite all the turbulence of 2022 we feel very fortunate to have had another busy and rewarding year. But none of this could be possible without the continued hard work and commitment of our loyal team.

Instead of sending Christmas cards & gifts this year, we have made donations to Claire’s House, The Trussell Trust and Streetlife. Three very worthy charities who do a brilliant job of making a tangible impact on the lives of those who need support. 




Vicky Priestley

Vicky Priestley

Marketing Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200

Charlotte Stansfield

Charlotte Stansfield

Marketing Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200

End of Year Reflection

End of Year Reflection

Although the stress and uncertainty of COVID continues, 2021 has been a very busy & positive year for team Hannan with several new clients and projects. We are as ever very thankful for the high level of repeat business we receive and the many interesting projects we are involved with.

But none of this could be possible without the continued hard work and commitment of our team.

It has been a pleasure working with you during the last year – we truly value the relationships and enjoy the challenges we face as part of the many teams we are a part of.

Instead of sending Christmas cards & gifts this year we have donated money to the charities mentioned below Salford FoodbankWirral ArkShelter UK

We would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you in 2022!!

John Walker

John Walker


Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200
Ian Joyce

Ian Joyce


Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200
Jamie Hall

Jamie Hall


Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200
Vicky Priestley

Vicky Priestley

Marketing Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200

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