MUFC Old Trafford

MUFC Old Trafford

MUFC Old Trafford Stadium


Hannans have been involved in various projects for Manchester United Football Club over the last 25 years. Ongoing Duties have included, Detailed Design, Infrastructure Services, Major Services Diversions, Monitoring, Surveys, Maintenance, Energy Performance Certificates and Condition Reports.

Quadrants Extension

One of the most recent projects at old Trafford was the Quadrants Development, which involved the infill of the North East and North West Quadrants, for which we provided Detailed Design Services.  This development provided additional spectator terracing of 7,000 extra seats and 2,300 extra places for corporate dining. The design was complicated by the myriad of existing buried services which needed to be diverted to accommodate the piling required for the structure.

About This Project


CLIENT : Manchester United Football Club


ARCHITECT : Miller Partnership & Marshall Kypriadis Architects


PROJECT VALUE : £42 million


CONTRACT DURATION: Various Projects 1990 – Ongoing

Executive Boxes

We provided MEP Detailed Design Services for the East and West stand redevelopment at Old Trafford, which involved building behind and over the existing stands. This development provided additional spectator terracing of 16,000 extra seats. The design was complicated by the myriad of existing buried services which needed to be diverted or planned around to accommodate the piling required for the structure.  There were a number of buildings demolished and roads diverted.  No seats were lost during the development and early handover was achieved by working in partnership with the design and build contractors. The scheme included new executive boxes, new club offices, disabled facilities, new upper concourses terracing and roof installations.

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MUFC Training Ground, Carrington

MUFC Training Ground, Carrington

MUFC Training Ground, Carrington


Having successfully previously completed the academy building and full size indoor pitch at Manchester United’s Carrington training complex, Hannans were appointed to design the building services and infrastructure diversions for a series of alterations, extensions and new buildings.

The scheme comprises the refurbishment alteration and extension of the first team building, a new sponsors building, a new parents and spectators building, relocation and additions to the a side courts, new car parking surfacing, temporary accommodation and lighting and a new feature linking glazed walkway and water feature with illuminated signage with a scheme value of around £13m.

The works included an enabling diversions and drainage improvements package and working on a live site environment with the first team, academy teams and team management remaining on site during the works. This required careful planning and phasing of the works to protect all staff but particularly the valuable players and management team while maintaining privacy and completing the project in a short timescale.

About This Project


CLIENT : Manchester United Football Club


ARCHITECT : Marshall Kypriadis Architects


PROJECT VALUE : £160 million


CONTRACT DURATION: March 2010 – January 2014

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